United in Crisis | Kansas City

In times of crisis, the church has the chance to take the lead in serving the community of its city.
United in Crisis Kansas City
FH Media Press, Kansas City

United in Crisis Kansas City!

During this interview, the initiative “United in Crisis KC” becomes apparent as a focused effort to prepare and empower the local church in responding to disasters. In times of crisis, the church has the chance to take the lead in serving the community of its city.

The aim of United in Crisis KC is to provide Christians with the necessary infrastructure and training to actively respond to crises in our city.

Greg’s explanation highlights the practicality of the approach, which includes a 24/7 crisis hotline and the use of innovative software like UIC Connect, empowering churches to respond swiftly and efficiently to local crises.

The call for volunteers highlights the significance of establishing a resilient core team within each church to provide sustained support for survivors, with diverse roles including emotional and spiritual care.

For further information on this revolutionary organization, please visit.


Really enjoyed interviewing Daniel Geraci and Greg Topping! Faith Horizons aims to reveal God’s work in Kansas City, enabling the local people of faith to be aware, support, and participate in it.

Think about supporting this podcast and show!!!

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