What is the kingdom of God?

Get new perspective on the kingdom of God with Steve Magnuson
seeking first the kingdom of God, what is the kingdom of God, God's Government, King Jesus

Today I have with me Steve Magnuson and we are going to talk about the kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? It’s a good question. The whole bible trumpets the kingdom of God. 

The main objective of Jesus coming to earth was to reestablish the kingdom of God or the domain of God on the Earth. At the beginning of the gospels, you hear about John the Baptist who came crying in the desert repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. 

Jesus spoke often about the kingdom. Here are a few passages that come to mind: seek first the kingdom of God; or the kingdom of God is like a man who found a treasure in a field and he sold everything he had and bought the field. In this podcast you will learn more about what the kingdom of God is and how you can participate.

Seeking first the kingdom of God?

I don’t know about you but for me understanding the kingdom of God has at times been somewhat elusive. What is the kingdom of God? How do we go about seeking first the kingdom of God?

In my conversation with Steve, we laid a foundation for what the kingdom of God is. Below I have summarized some of what I learned and derived from the conversation we had about the kingdom of God.

What is the kingdom of God, Seeking first the kingdom of God, cities of God, Government of God, outside picnic with beautiful decor
Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

What is the kingdom of God?

Kingdom means the kings domain or a place in which a king has dominion and authority. In the case of the kingdom of God, it is the domain of King Jesus.

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What makes up the kingdom of God?

  • A King
  • Culture
  • Laws
  • Territory
  • Citizens

King – A kingdom must have a king.

Culture – The Merriam dictionary defines culture as: the customary beliefs, social forms (a patterned mode of interaction through which people obtain their individual goals) and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. The kingdom of God has a culture.

Laws – A kingdom has laws that make possible a culture that includes the values of the kingdom. In the case of the kingdom of God, thou shalt not kill, Love the lord your God with all your heart soul and strength, Love you neighbor as yourself etc… Following these laws makes possible the culture of God’s kingdom on earth.

Territory – A kingdom is broken up into many different lands that individuals are given the authority to govern. In my conversation with Steve, we talked about these lands in the context of seats of authority.

For instance, the president of the United States sits in a seat of Authority over the territory of the United States. The state Governors sit in seats of authority over our states, Mayors sit in seats of authority over our cities. The senate congress and our court system are other structures which also include seats of authority.

Citizens – These are the members of the kingdom of God. Commonly referred to as Christians, or sons and daughters of God. These people carry the authority of the King in the world today. As a citizen in God’s kingdom, you have rights and a title that gives you access to petition the throne of Heaven for kingdom needs on earth.

Kansas City Sky, What is the kingdom of God, Seeking first the kingdom of God, Government of God
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

What is the Kingdom of God in Cities

God cares about our city and His kingdom seats (as spoken of in the territory section) certainly extend into our cities. These seats are held by our mayors, city council members and other parts of local government. It is vital that God’s kingdom people occupy these seats of city government so that God’s kingdom culture is advanced into our neighborhoods and the places we live.

Relation between Christianity and The Kingdom of God

Christianity is about learning the character of the King so that we can correctly administrate God’s kingdom on the earth. Being a Christian and propagating Christianity is about training and passing on the values of the King.

Kansas City Blooms, What is the kingdom of God, Seeking first the kingdom of God, Cities of God
Photo by Carly Chapman on Unsplash

What is the kingdom of God Controversy and Revelation

In my conversation with Steve he brought up a point about John 3:16 that will be controversial to some. Steve referenced John 3:16 as a verse that is first about the world not people. Why is that?

John 3:16 God so loved the World that He gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

In the podcast we walked through this thinking more in depth than I will go here. To summarize: God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to make partnership with God possible. God’s kingdom on earth, is designed to bring glory to God, so that all may know Him

Show Notes

To hear more from Steve Magnuson about the Kingdom of God go to:

Shiloh International is a prophetic voice established to boldly declare the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in our generation and articulate what a manifestation of His Kingdom looks like in the cities and nations of the earth.   

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